by Preeyakit Buranasin
‘What is atheism?’ a Christian asked an atheist.
‘Well, I’m pretty much like you,’ the atheist said.
‘Do you believe in Allah, Zeus, Prometheus,
Votan, Odin, Rama, Vishnu, Blodeuwedd,
Ra, Gaia, Osiris, Shiva, Ymir, Nummu, Chang-O
Yu-Huang, Yum Kimil, Nanse, and Thor?
The Christian looked puzzled but finally said, ‘No’.
‘Me too!’ said the atheist. ‘I just go one god more.’
Editor’s Note on Explaining Atheism to a Christian:
Explaining Atheism to a Christian is not the first poem by Preeyakit Buranasin that has been published in Eastlit. He had a previous poem called Yellow or Red published by Eastlit. Yellow or Red appeared in the August 2013 Issue of Eastlit.
Explaining Atheism to a Christian obviously ties in with the ideas exressed by others including Richard Dawkins as some of our readers have pointed out.