Writers September 2013

The list of Eastlit writers September 2013 is alphabetical by first name.

Carl Scharwath

The Orlando Sentinel, Lake Healthy Living, Think Healthy and Mature Lifestyles Magazines have all described Carl Scharwath as the “running poet.” His interests include being a father/grandfather,competitive running,sprint triathlons and taekwondo (he’s a 2nd degree black belt).

His work appears worldwide with over fifty published poems and five short stories. He was awarded “Best in Issue” in Haiku Reality Magazine and was recently selected as a featured poet in Ambrielrev. His first poetry book “Journey To Become Forgotten” will be published by Kind of a Hurricane Press this summer.

Charlie Canning

Charlie Canning taught English for ten years at three universities in Japan before enrolling in the PhD program in creative writing at the University of Adelaide. He has written a novel set on a Buddhist pilgrimage in Japan called The 89TH Temple (Outskirts Press, 2012) and many articles and reviews. The Sign of Jonah, from which this excerpt appears, is his second novel and takes place on an island in the Philippines.

Colin W. Campbell

Originally from Scotland, today Colin is ever-so-lucky to be able to divide his year between homes in Sarawak on the lovely green island of Borneo and faraway in Yunnan in southwest China. He writes short fiction and poetry and spends far too much time on www.colincampbell.org and www.shortstory.mobi

Daniel Hickey

Daniel Hickey is from Ireland and he currently lives in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China, where he teaches English at Sichuan University and writes freelance for local newspapers and publications. He has lived in China for two years.
Before moving to China, he was a journalist, covering politics, protests, murder trials and football matches for newspapers in Ireland.”If you would like to read more of Daniel’s writings, feel free to email him at:dangaohickey@gmail.com

Jack Kelly

Jack Kelly is a writer and poet. His work is predicated on nature, spirituality, and candid autobiography. His touchstones are Walt Whitman and Robert Frost. He lives in New York.

Kori Moore

Kori Moore began writing at an early age after relocating from her native state of Iowa to Georgia in the third grade.  She found poetry a paticularlly good way to vent during those awkward teenage years and continues venting even today at thirty five.  She writes not only for the love of the arts but to inspire and encourage.  It is Kori’s belief that you change the world one person at a  time and so if someone comes out a better person for having read her work then that is what it is all about.  She has written just over 2,800 poems in her life and finds her greatest inspiration to be Arthur Rimbaud and Emily Dickinson even though she is 100% original in her own writings.  She attended Liberty University where she studied Theology and now resides in Griffin, Georgia with her husband and little dog Bandit.

Nels Hanson

Nels Hanson’s fiction received the San Francisco Foundation’s James D. Phelan Award and two Pushcart Prize nominations. Stories have appeared in Antioch Review, Texas Review, Black Warrior Review, Southeast Review, Montreal Review, and other journals, and are in press at Works & Days, Tattoo Highway, The Weary Blues, Thrice, The Milo Review, The Dying Goose, Spittoon, and Emerge Literary Journal.

Rembrandt Ramilo

Rembrandt Ramilo was an Editor- in- Chief during college,he has graduate courses in Public Affairs,and has teaching job in College before, and now a private English tutor and businessman.

Simon Rowe

Simon Rowe is an Australian writer and teacher living in Himeji, western Japan. His stories and photographs have appeared in TIME magazine, The New York Times, The South China Morning Post, Lonely Planet Guidebooks and many more. His blog Seaweed Salad Days is a commentary on life in a traditional Japanese neighborhood; read it at mightytales.net.

Steve Rosse

In 1988 Steve Rosse took a break from a career in the New York City film and television industry for a three-month holiday on Phuket, an island off the Western coast of Thailand in the Andaman Sea.
He decided he liked Phuket more than he liked New York, and without any idea of what he’d do for a living, he took up residence on the island. He supported himself, and eventually his wife and children, for most of the next decade as a freelance journalist and columnist.
His column, “The Rock”, appeared in The Nation, Thailand’s Independent Newspaper, every Sunday for five years.
In 1997 he moved to Iowa for the surfing.

Tom Sheehan

Sheehan served in the 31st Infantry Regiment, Korea 1951
and graduated from Boston College in 1956. His books are Epic Cures; Brief
Cases, Short Spans; A Collection of Friends; and From the Quickening. Recent
eBooks from Milspeak Publishers include Korean Echoes, 2011, nominated for a
Distinguished Military Award and The Westering, 2012, nominated for a
National Book Award. His newest eBook, from Danse Macabre-Lazarus-Anvil,
2013, is Murder at the Forum, an NHL mystery novel, with two more mysteries
due for 2013 publication, Death of a Lottery Foe and Death by Punishment.
His work is in many publications including Rosebud (6th issue), Ocean
Magazine (8th issue), and other global publications such as The Linnet’s
Wings in Ireland (6th issue), Nazar Look in Romania (7th issue)
MGVersion2Datura in France (3rd issue), Mythaxis in UK (2nd issues), In
Other Words – Merida in Mexico (4th issue), 3 AM Magazine in  France (9th
issue), etc. He has 8 western collections in a publishers queue with
fabulous covers by his sons.

Xenia Taiga

Xenia Taiga lives in southern China. Her work is in Asiancha, Fourway Review, Pithead Chapel and Gone Lawn Journal.

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