Thanks for all the feedback on the first issue. Please keep it coming. This will help us in the future. It is all appreciated. We have learned one thing. We may have to make it clearer that you can click on the cover to enter the magazine. Of course there are other ways in too! But…
We are also receiving a lot of submissions for the second issue. That is nice. It is a lot of reading though, and that takes time. There are a lot of holidays coming. So we may have to start marking submissions for the February issue soon. Keep them coming. We read all of them.
Future Issues
For the February issue we are introducing a new category: reviews. If you have any reviews, please send them in. Reviews of books, stories, poetry collections or other forms of literature are all welcome. Every issue also needs a cover photo. If anyone wants to submit a photograph, picture or piece of artwork, it would be welcomed. The usual practice of creator keeping copyright applies. You just grant us a non-exclusive licence to publish your work. Anything we do not publish will be wiped from our database unless being considered for future publication. Photos and reviews should be submitted in the normal way. Go to our submissions page.
We hope to introduce a few new things as we progress through the first year. One of these is a writer’s group. We are not ready to launch this yet. However, we are working on it. We see a writer’s group as a great way to get writers across the region engaged with each other. Our aim is to facilitate rather than lead.
Other Future Developments
I am still working on the app. I would love to have more to say, but I just haven’t had the time. It will be coming out at some point!
We also hope to start a regular list of articles and other useful resources for writers. So if you have any ideas or recommendations contact us. Everything takes time. Balancing things can be tricky. And we want the site to feel like “your site” as time goes by. A site where contributors can feel they have some connection is the aim I guess. Maybe it’s a dream. But if you don’t try, you never know. So if you have an idea, let us know.
Once again I find myself going on. There are a lot more future ideas. Maybe for another time.
Thank you.